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Assessor Instructions

This Assessor Guide has been developed to provide clear guidance for assessors to ensure the quality and consistency of competency judgments. The assessment strategy has been validated to ensure the student will provide evidence to enable the assessor to make a judgment of competence that meets all the requirements of the Training Package, the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.

Assessment for the unit consists of:

Assessment Task 1          Written Questions

Assessment Task 2          Practical Assessment

Assessment Task 3          Observation Report (Assessor to complete)

Refer to for details of the unit.

Prior to Conducting the Assessment

  • Ensure that the site is suitable for the parameters of any required task, to ensure the students will have an appropriate opportunity to demonstrate their skills. All training sites must have a site checklist completed prior to assessment.
  • Ensure that the student is allocated the appropriate time and resources required for the tasks.
  • Advise the student prior to conducting assessment:
    • What will occur throughout the assessment process.
    • When the assessment will occur.
    • The level of competency expected.

Conducting the assessment

  • Advise the student when to commence the assessment.
  • Competency in the unit will be confirmed on achieving a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for all assessment tasks.
  • Individual assessment tasks will be recorded as S (Successfully demonstrated / achieved) or NS (Not successfully demonstrated / not achieved).
  • When all assessment evidence has been gathered, assessors will make a final assessment decision and sign off with C (Competent) or NC (Not Competent).
  • Full instructions are provided within each assessment task.

 Within 5 days of a student’s final assessment task being assessed for a Unit of Competency or Cluster, the Assessor is required to complete this form and submit it (hard copy or electronically) to Global Training and Tours with the corresponding assessment and attendance evidence. Issue and distribution of Statement of Attainment can take up to 30 days.

 Please ensure that.

 The correct qualification, assessor and student details; and study dates are entered.

  • The cluster and competency names are accurate.
  • All assessment items, attendance sheets and other relevant documents have been provided – COMPLETED AND SIGNED as required.
  • Any unit being resulted that needs a pre-requisite has had that pre-requisite unit checked, copied and attached to this submission.
  • Copies have been taken of all documents – Global Training and Tours is not responsible for any documents lost in transit and no assessment submissions will be returned to the Training Partner or student.